Ahe following du`a is so comprehensive, that it includes in it all the
du`a of Rasulullah Sallalaho Alaihe Wasallam over 23 years. It should be recited once. Jawahirul-Bukhari P 572
Abu Umamah RA narrates that Nabi Sallalaho Alaihe Wasallam made a large number of du`a
during his lifetime. However, a few of us could barely remember any.
We asked:
"O Rasulullah! You have made so many different du`a, but we are
unable to even remember a few. Rasulullah Sallalaho Alaihe Wasallam replied: "Should I not
show you such a comprehensive du`a which includes all types of du`a?
Read the following:
O Allah, I ask of you all the good that asked of You by Your messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be showered upon him. And I seek Your refuge from all the evil that was taken refuge from, by Your messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be showered upon him. You alone are the helper, and all goals are in You And there is no power nor might, but that of Allah.